Friday, February 4, 2011


Good Morning All

So I have decided to start a blog, basically we have alot of things in the works at the moment which I wanted to be able to share.

First of all, the studio has just had some work done to it, it was time for a makeover. The new feel is a little  quirkier then when we first opened. I have some artist working on an exciting piece for our window display which should be up in the next month or so, make sure you drop past and have a gander. I'm very excited about it.

Yesterday we launched our new website which really starts to show our personalities and our skills. Also we have included a tip of the month section, a page with a little help on how to take better photos.

We have also just launched our first photography course. Aimed at beginners, we are going to teach you all how to use your Digital SLRs !! First class is starting on Thursday so we're getting pretty pumped.

Here is a sneek peek of our latest wedding

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